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Let's Pinpoint the Issue and Solve it!
You're always working hard; you're known for it!
That, and your goals!

Let's give you a launchpad into your future.

You know there's no shortcut. I won't lie and say there is.

Hard work IS what it takes, BUT WHAT IF THERE WAS A SMARTER WAY? (Hint: there is.)

You need a PROVEN plan. (You know how I know? Because *I* needed it, once upon a time, but it didn't exist then. I took 30 years to figure it out, so that you don't have to!)

You need my Ballet SmartScan!

What You Can Expect
My X-ray Vision

I will see underneath your skin; how. you're made, what you're good at, AND what can make you better.

Emotional Boost

I will deliberately FIND the things you are good at, and tell you all about them. You will be nurtured on purpose.

Laser Corrections

I will pinpoint exactly what you need to improve, and empower you to achieve it.


Become stronger, more graceful, confident,  elegant and professional.


You're a Trojan Horse

You want ballet excellence so bad you are willing to pay the price.

Let me give you some rocketfuel!


I will see under your skin to your skeleton; I will understand the way your frame works, & what is holding you back. I will see you; explain it to you; and GIVE YOU A PLAN to excel as a ballet dancer while understanding your body clearly and working WITH it not against it.

"I've been so lucky to have your advice and guidance!"

- Angel

"With you as my teacher my passion for ballet has grown! Best ballet teacher in the world."

- Ava

Ballet SmartScan:

  • Four parts:
        Questionnaire, Laying the groundwork for me to understand your history and challenges
        Private Consultation, Where we will do some ballet coaching so I can see how you move, what you're good at, and what your limitations are
        Results Analysis, I do this bit, analysing what I've seen, diagnosing what you need, putting all the information together into a PLAN CUSTOMISED FOR YOU
        and Strategy call, Where we talk, I give you all the results on paper, explain to you what I've seen, where your strengths are, what's holding you back, and what you can do about it. You will get a SOLID PLAN to use immediately, and further steps to take over the coming weeks, to see your progress leap forwards.
        All within days.

  • Quick, direct, to the point
  • Pointed positive feedback
  • Incisive Corrections

  • Customised Personal Programme, AND Strategy Plan, for ongoing results!


Physical Assessment


Analysis of your musculoskeletal structure and assessment of its challenges and advantages for classical ballet technique

Private Ballet Coaching


One on one coaching class; slow, careful and analytical to get to the bottom of your personal dance technique.

Personal Training Plan


Customised plan to address your personal challenges and refine your dancing, particular to your personal goals.

Career Strategy Counselling


Assessment and strategy for other life elements; habits you can introduce or other methods you can use to ensure your lifestyle supports your goals.

TOTAL: $440 

Plus: hours on the phone making bookings to 4 different professionals (who don't even talk to each other and explain to you how it all works), transport costs, and up to 12 hours of your time total. TWELVE HOURS??? $440? That's massive; and not realistic.

I couldn't afford that when I was training, I couldn't afford it now! It's crazy.

But I happen to know, because I've been in your shoes, 

But my Ballet SmartScan
 will give you all this
for only

$440.00       $ 199.oo!

That's the smart, efficient and effective way

to get where you need to go!

Yeah, Baby! I want the Ballet SmartScan!

ok look seriously I know this page is SALESY as all hell. I don't know what to say? I'm sorry, maybe? LOL?

You have to know, I'm just trying to break it through to you, the SmartScan is awesome, and I TOTALLY can help you, and you just SHOULD BOOK IT RIGHT NOW, ok?

Use that obnoxious pink button up there.

Alchemy: The science of combining the right proportion of base elements that will produce the highest, purest element: GOLD.

Ballet Alchemy: The science of combining the right proportion of training elements, understanding, self-love, and attitude, that will produce the purest classical ballet dancing.

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